Top 10 things that make me happay.
refusing plastic bags
red skies
ocean breeze
the rain's lingering aroma
cliche movie lines (eg. "Do you trust me?" I don't watch American films anymore... i kid i kid)
deep sleeps
a messy room (keeps me sane)
the face people make when they're about to sneeze, hi-larious!
having the window open
good music
5 things on the subject of moi'
i sometimes wish the scales would produce a higher reading, hence the reason why i eat so darn much.
my house is always stocked with every fruit you could possibly think of
the average person goes through approximately 100 different phases throughout one's life, i have however proven this theory wrong, having gone through more than 1000 and still counting.
i have the memory span of a goldfish. No wait, goldfish is an overstatement. An amoeba?
it appears that my skin wants me to be a black person, my personality white, but i'll always be asian :)