Thursday, July 29, 2010

My *New* guitars and some happy snaps from vietnam!

I was woken up this morning by the postman guy at the door, and no this is not some intro to some corny porno... Anyway, my guitar had finally come! It is an Epiphone Les Paul Standard.

le package

I skipped uni to make the last minute bid! Well it was only just one lecture.

Here is my 2nd newest guitar which I bought from Vietnam, and as you can see it still has the price sticker on the bridge of the guitar because when I took half of it off there was that bloody sticky resin... How much did i get it for considering it was from Vietnam? 5,200,000 dong, i'll let you figure that out yourself if you can be bothered, if not tough luck my friend.

Here's an acoustic I also got from Vietnam, and was my temporary guitar for a week since I got really bored a lot of the times over there. Feeling a little charitable, I decided to give it to my cousin who lives there. The price of this sweet baby was 250,000 dong, and again I'll let you smart smart people figure that out for yourselves.

Some fighting cocks/roosters at the local market!

Do you see anything interesting in this photo?

HOW ABOUT NOW! Its a natural rock formation of what seems to be a woman with a baby on her back. Oooo chills. The locals say that it was naturally occurring, but find it hard to believe.

COWS! There are lots of cows in Vietnam.

My cousin's and I did the unthinkable... yes that's right we watched Eclipse! How was the movie? Shit. That's all you need to know. Another observation, Vietnamese people tend to be extremely loud in the cinemas there... >: 9

Rain that came out of nowhere.

Mum really liked this hat we got from Ha Long Bay, so I took a photo!

Dearest grandmother! 90 and still going strong!

Cousin's wedding reception, she's taller than him ahah.

VIETNAMESE TERRORISTS! Nah jokes, we'd make bad terrorists anyway. Just look at their getaway car!

Some illegal driving. Flipping the bird has now become a popular form of body language on the streets!

Result of illegal driving.

Cousin Jen

And to finish off, the Scrubs soundtrack!
