Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My response

Top 10 things that make me happay.
refusing plastic bags

red skies

ocean breeze

the rain's lingering aroma

cliche movie lines (eg. "Do you trust me?" I don't watch American films anymore... i kid i kid)

deep sleeps

a messy room (keeps me sane)

the face people make when they're about to sneeze, hi-larious!

having the window open

good music

5 things on the subject of moi'

i sometimes wish the scales would produce a higher reading, hence the reason why i eat so darn much.

my house is always stocked with every fruit you could possibly think of

the average person goes through approximately 100 different phases throughout one's life, i have however proven this theory wrong, having gone through more than 1000 and still counting.

i have the memory span of a goldfish. No wait, goldfish is an overstatement. An amoeba?

it appears that my skin wants me to be a black person, my personality white, but i'll always be asian :)


  1. Hi Dave, blog hoping through mutual friends. I see we have 4 mutual friends via blogger :P And also a fellow Melbournian Wooo.. (:

  2. david! awsome banner man...but you know what's more awsome than awsome? that picture of the paper man on the paper's brilliant...absolutely i wonder which famous photographer took that one hey?

  3. thanks yen, yeah its, i think, im not sure. nah i joke, great shot :) i shall follow your blog!

  4. Aladin says "Do you trust me?" 8D

  5. doesn't look like you have no one to tag!! yayyyyy this post makes my knipples turn hard.


  6. ahha creep, cyber five! *SLAP* *CLICK* (i love the todd)

  7. Indeed, we should (:

  8. I lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrve red skies too <3
    And yellowww too!!

    "it appears that my skin wants me to be a black person, my personality white, but i'll always be asian :)"

    That made me LOL! SO true true true!
